Royal Burgundy Seeds | Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc. - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Royal Burgundy Seeds | Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Regular price $2.19
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This trusted purple podded variety is a productive and long bearing favourite. A good choice to get a jump on the season when the soil is still on the cool side. Richly textured, crispy and meaty 15cm (6") long pods have a delicious flavour whether eaten fresh or brought out from the freezer over the winter. When cooked for 2 minutes, the pods turn a bright green indicating the perfect blanching time for freezing! Brown Seed.

4-5 seeds/gram Culture: Beans tolerate a wide range of soil types. Their best growth is in light, organic, well drained soil with a pH of about 6.5. Beans have a distinct dislike for cold, wet soils, so sow seed only after the soil has warmed to at least 16 C (60 F). Sow 2.5 cm (1") deep and 8 cm (3") apart in rows spaced 45 to 70 cm (18 to 28") apart. To ensure a continuous harvest, sow bush-type varieties every 10 days until mid-July. Keep beans evenly watered, particularly when the plants are in flower and when production of the pods start. Avoid the use of high nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen promotes excessive foliage. Avoid disturbing beans when leaves are damp to reduce the incidence of disease.

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